Saturday, February 7, 2009


I dont understand. What is the problem with innocent questions? Important, innocent questions. I'll tell you what the problem is. The answers. The answers are not always innocent and not always true. Lol. I wanna start a band. My new found voice has new inspiration....vrai on drums....court on bass....aimez on keyboard....guitar tho? hmm...ill think. i prbly know a girl who plays so tired of everything and everyone. People dont seem to understand that comments on me and areas surrounding me are unwelcome. I just dont care if you think I suck. Is that so freaking hard to believe? Lol. And I'm being brave now. Using my actual voice and not being stupid about things this time. It's fun actually. And tiring. And scary. But fun too. But i dont wanna lose myself this time....i explained that. There are still so many questions.

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