Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Guide To Being A Good Husband

Being a good boyfriend is a whole football field away from being a good husband. Some basic tips for a successful marriage with us difficult women:

1. Never insist the wife cook dinner. Most women cook because we like it, and if we don’t you should find an alternative, fast, cause we aren’t really as bad as we pretend, but if you don’t want us burning your water, find a solution.

2. This is a follow up, but share responsibilities at least semi-equally. Arguments such as, “I did it yesterday,” will get you nowhere, because yesterday is always forgotten. Just try and keep household chores even, without a knock down drag out fight about what even really is.

3. In all honesty, we don’t look pretty for you, we get pretty for all the other annoying wives, sister in laws, and superficial family members out there. But you can tell us we look nice anyway.

4. It’s okay if you go out with your friends sometimes, but don’t call us repeatedly when we’re out with ours. It’s cute the first time, and that’s all.

5. Take us out to dinner like you did when you were still trying to win us over? We’re easier to please as wives we promise, but you have to try a little.

6.Don’t remind us of all the things we have to do before the day is over, or how much you got done that day, or how much you still have to do. Misery enjoys company but pressure really isn’t attractive. ;)

7. Love us, like you bs-ed that you did the second you met us during our wedding vows. ;) It’s okay, we don’t mind this.

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