Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm sorry...I'm still learning how to speak priss...

LOL. Hi. Apparently I have a twitter now. So....theres ur update. And...the power of the holy spirit is consuming my soul as we speak. Now btw I have the smell of lemons AND the weird-smelling oil he rubbed ALL OVER my head. But. Lately I've been blaming my excitedness on wearing my awesome dress and amazing shoes...but...honestly and truely I was excited about the ceremony too. Kinda disappointed about my turnout of a party tho lol My aunt, uncle, cousin, grandpa, and his girlfriend attended. We breifly ate cake and then everyone left, thus leaving me alone and vulberable to vrai's famous phone-calls of..."hey. you wanna do something?" so i went over her house and watched syndey white and posted a video of myself reacting to dave days for the first time. i dont recomend it. all you do is make weird faces. not gonna get all deep and confusing on here tonight. other people can deal with it tonight. love me, hate me, say what you want about me, all of the boys and all of the girls, are begging to if you seek amy...

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