Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hello, my darling...

I've been thinking lately. About what? Your probably sitting there wondering. I'm reading a very interesting book. I wont really go into details, but this kid volunteers at a nursing home and sits with a really nasty old man 2-3 days a week. Ok, look. I'm not that stupid. I've learned by now things do not happen like they do in books. But I'm thinking about giving it a try. I mean...I have music right? SOMEONE in a nursing home has to be interested in music. I could sing or play something simple on bass. Community service could be just what I'm looking for do with my time. And besides, I could sing without getting yelled at, which is ultimately what happens in my house. and btw--saw "grease!" today for the first time, and I may have limited taste or probably not even sufficient qualifications to have an opinion on any kind of musical besides the fact that i wish my life was one, but sincerely enjoyed the is75 production of grease. Props to Mrs. Stine and the entire drama class, even if I really do think she has something shoved way too far up her ass. And hmm....what else? nothing. nite.

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