Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wash Over Me

My feet stopped listening

Somehow I’m at your door

I’m sorry for the way I am sometimes

I don’t mean it, I don’t mean it.


If I knock would you let me in?

Would you even say hello

I’m sorry for the way I am just sometimes

If I could help it, I promise I would.


Stand in my room and hold my breath,

Cause in your hands, I will be still.

My heart is beating too loud,

But it’s waiting for every word on your tongue

To wash over me and drown them out.


My hands are shaking

Somehow I’m uncontrolled.

I’m sorry for the way I am sometimes,

I don’t mean it, I don’t mean it.


If you knock, you’ll be the first I’ll let in.

I’ll say hello and everything.

I’m sorry for the way I am sometimes,

If I could help it, I promise I would.


Stand in my room and hold my breath,

Cause in your hands, I will be still.

My heart is beating too loud,

But it’s waiting for every word on your tongue

To wash over me and drown them out.

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