Sunday, April 24, 2011


X’s and o’s

More like

Exes and oh no’s.

You’ve got her round your finger so tight

She’ll never get the chance to survive.

I watch from faraway in this light

And I know she’ll never suspect a thing.


If there were tracers on

I love you so

Where would you find his?

Probably not all in her ears.

If there were cameras on

Him at all times

Where would you find him?

Probably not all in her eyes.


X’s and o’s

More like

Exes and oh no’s.

You’ve got her round your finger so tight

She’ll never get the chance to survive.

I watch from faraway in this light

And I know she’ll never suspect a thing.


I’ve got a friend with a girlfriend

He meets me late at night

I pretend I don’t know her

But I’ve met her a thousand times

It’s so easy to forget

To lose sight

Wrongness becomes a habit

It get’s confused with right.


X’s and o’s

More like

Exes and oh no’s.

You’ve got her round your finger so tight

She’ll never get the chance to survive.

I watch from faraway in this light

And I know she’ll never suspect a thing.


But I know, what she deserves for loving you

And I know, you never give it willingly,

But I see, how you wander back to her

And I know, it won’t ever come back to me.


X’s and o’s

More like

Exes and oh no’s.

You’ve got her round your finger so tight

She’ll never get the chance to survive.

I watch from faraway in this light

And I know she’ll never suspect a thing.

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