Saturday, April 24, 2010

Well then. Logistics and Ethics first,no?

Well. Today I’d like to talk about genetics. I know, at first glance it doesn’t seem mildly, okay, lets be honest, at all entertaining. However, if you haven’t let your judge-this-book-by-its-first-bad-opening-line-or-figurative-cover, then you have now gotten on to the funny part. And no. That ten word into one was not it.

But I mean. Look at genetic engineering. It’s gotten us to some pretty cool places, but it’s like…loving a pitbull. Sure, it has it’s good qualities. It’s protective, and loyal. But, it has an outrageous temper to those it isn’t loyal to…Now. Where am I going with pitbulls and genetic engineering?

Like pitbulls, genetic engineering has it’s positives…but then we can look at the negative side, and then finally we can look at the entertaining side. First of all, the government has only allowed us to clone bacteria so far…well. Unless you count that one sheep. Yes. Right now there is a clone of Dolly the Sheep, (no people, this is not a joke, her name is Dolly) I like to think she’s named after Dolly Parton. You know, cause Dolly the Sheep was genetically engineered, and Dolly Parton is mostly plastic. So theyre both kinda prototypes right?

But, I just find it a little comical that so many doctors and scientists have invested so much time into projects that the government won’t allow them to perform. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is perfectly ethical to go home, stop reading this blog, and go clone your sheep. Right now. Go. The government approves this. But, you say you want to clone your cow? Your horse? Your friendly neighborhood spiderman?

No sir. You do not say that. Because then, you are breaking the already-quivering bonds of ethics. Yes. The same government that loosens those bonds, limit research and study in it’s name. Logical? Ehh…

Haha…If you did read this in it’s entirety then, I guess by now you have realized, that the ten words into one WAS actually the funny part, and you actually should’ve stopped reading, when I said I was gonna rant about genetics and make believe I was funny. ;)