Tuesday, March 24, 2009

That don't impress me much...

I'll try and keep it brief today. I've been learning a lot lately though. A lot about people and a lot about myself, too. Apparently, things are never really what they seem like and when something feels wrong, it usually is wrong. Now, I am truly speaking from experience here. A lot of things are wrong. And somethings feel wrong right now. My mind is a mess. So, please forgive me. This blog is sort of acting like a cleaning lady right now.I'm just wondering about a lot of things. And you know what else? It's not just about getting through the day anymore. I'm singing like I'm drunk at lunch and I'm dancing in the mall and I'm having a good time. See that? Pretend something long enough and things fall into place I guess. That don't impress me much. So ya think you got the moves but do you got the touch? Whatever.

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