Saturday, February 21, 2009


Alright then....This week has been interesting. I said so many things. Including yes. So the Riddler and I are back together. Last night, I was unsure. You know? NO OFFENSE TO SAID RIDDLER but guys are flaky. So walking into singing biting my lip and holding my tongue was worth it though. I get in there and Christina's like, "He's happy you guys are back together. Every girl deserves someone who cares about her, and he definitely does." So...that makes everyone that wants to kill me for those three little letters disappear. And believe me, that's a lot of people. I think my eyes are open though. I honestly don't know. And yeah....last night was okay. I still like the Little Mermaid better, but the Lion King wasn't bad. I've seen enough guys in beige leotards and dresses for awhile though. I must admit. So that's it I guess. For now. I feel like there's a lot to say and so little time and space.

1 comment:

Gabriella said...

I couldnt agree more...about the leotards that is. And yes LM was much better especially since I saw LK 3 And your eyes are stapled shut, fyi. lolol